Acting as Executor
Respect for the Executor’s responsibility is the foundation for our service, which was launched to:
Stop Fraud
Provide better service
Raise money for charity
We thought of everything we could do to make life easier for the Executor by delivering a dependable service. Helping the Executor show they’ve made sound decisions.
You can read on, but we can’t explain everything here and everyone’s needs are unique.
Why not call us to discuss your needs and see if this service would be your best solution?
We STOP fraud
Many probate sales are of homes that may have been left unchanged for a generation, which gives the buyer a chance to buy a property with ‘potential’ for updating. This potential can be a chance to make a create a perfect family home, but some developers see it as a chance to make a quick profit.
Most speculators will put in their best offer along with the other interested buyers, but others may try to get a selling agent to tip them off with details of the competing bids. Some may offer cash or other incentives to agents to help them buy as cheaply as possible.
Probate Sales Office stamps out this fraudulent practice by opening the bids away from all staff so none can ever be tempted to disclose the details, because they simply don’t have the information. The bids are opened by Lance Trendall who, having declined 50,000 euros to reveal competing bids, is certain he can be trusted.
The other way to deal with the offers is to open them at the Solicitor’s office, but that can take up valuable billing time and add to the cost of the sale. We are happy to do either.
Above all, we want every interested party to know they have a fair chance to submit their best offer and that all buyers will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
Better service
The best service allows an Executor to know their responsibilties are discharged correctly. Being highly accountable for the way The Estate is managed an experienced, trusted agent is an essential part of the process.
Accurate records of all viewings and feedback are kept, all offers and every step of the sales process is detailed in a post-sale report to the Executor. This report enables the Executor to show that the steps taken were in the best interests of The Estate.
After the sale completes a free report, summarising the steps taken is sent to the Executor who can at their own discretion, send it on to any of the family members or beneficiaries.
We’ve tried to think of everything to help, not just the Executor, but also the grieving family. Site of this sort of sales report can prevent future questions and even arguments about why certain steps may have been taken. We imagined a family chatting after a hearty Christmas lunch, if someone said “You could of got more for your Dad’s house” or “Why did you sell to that family instead of waiting for the other buyer?”, then it is easy to simply refer to the report “Come on, you read the report, have another sherry”, instead of engaging in a defensive argument.
There are times when Executors make difficult decisons, perhaps accepting a slightly lower offer from a buyer with no house to sell, able to proceed quickly, while declining a higher offer from a buyer with a house to sell. These decisions need to be supported by accurate reporting, to avoid questions later.
So along with a specialist agency service we provide a FREE post-sale report.
We give 10% of our fee to charity
Since the start of this specialist service for Executors, we’ve given 10% of our fee to charity.
5% has always gone to the nearest hospice to the property. Hospices do an amazing job and receive only a small percentage of their annual running costs from the Government, leaving them with a massive fundraising challenge. The high standards of care and compassion have been obvious at each hospice we’ve visited to deliver the donations.
The next 5% is directed to any church, charity or hospice nominated by the client, or the person who recommended Probate Sales Office. This gives the Executor the chance to support a cause they favoured or one close to the deceased or their family. When we are recommended we give the ‘introducer’ the chance to nominate their preferred cause, which can be a good way for volunteers to raise funds for hospices, charities and churches.
Call us for more information, an informal chat costs nothing and may help you choose the right sales service for your current needs.